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Sun - Sep 06, 2009 : 07:29 pm
   rated 0 times
The Heart Shaped Ring Chapter One
If you are reading this, either you are really nosy, or you are a reader of mine from fanfiction either one is cool with me:)

Guys I am really amazed at how many alerts I got on my first chapter alone and I would truly like to thank you tons! The reason I haven't been updating is because I have been working on my website, so its kinda hard with that Evony my stories and school. But don't worry I am working on chapter two in my freetime.


Yeah I know this is supppose to be a 'Journal' but I will work on that later.


Anyway I am glad you all like chapter one so much! Here are my links!

My website(not complete)


Mine and Karens fanfiction:


My email:

