My marriage, or rather, the marriage I have entered into with my sweetheart for the last 7 years, hasn't really been that bad. In fact, I'd say we're definitely on the upper-hand of "marital happiness" as far as the national statistics go.
There are quite a few reasons for this, I'd say. One is definitely that I feel I'm giving a whole lot of effort to this marriage, but more importantly, I feel that my sweetheart is giving just as much, if not a whole lot more. We seem to really want our marriage to work.
For the past 6 years, I'd say we've been blessed beyond what we deserve by a truckload. We have had a very comfortable lifestyle, and up until about 3 months ago, were satisfied way beyond our needs.
Then I lost my job. And the investment property we bought went about as far south as it could possibly go. I found out the job skills I had relied upon for the past 5 years had become somewhat out-dated, and employers were taking note. And things were ... uhh... going downhill.
About this time, my wife and I took note of our situation, and decided to talk about it. Nothing too much to note, other than I realized more strongly than I have ... well... ever - that as long as I had my sweetheart, things were going to be okay. After realizing this, I decided to share it with her. What a touching moment.
After being unemployed for a week or so, a good friend of mine was able to help me find employment, and it was during the 2nd week of working there that I received a note from her in my lunch - made by her. This wasn't uncommon, and in fact she writes notes in my lunch more often than she doesn't.
This one, however, had a bit more significance in the light of our situation. Such simple words, such a long lasting effect.
So, yeah... Even though life is tough right now, and we could be focusing so much on the trials at hand, it sure makes life incredibly wonderful focusing on, instead, making sure your loved one feels loved and appreciated.
I love you, Sarah.