Sun - Mar 22, 2009 : 12:02 pm
This Morning...
Well.. Yesterday, I was running on what I thought would be a low tank of sleep, but I didn't really ever get tired. I ended up having a fairly full day, spending most of the afternoon with Steve, and then practicing with Plan B from 7:30 until 10pm. Man, what a blast that is. I love playing with them. I love music.
Anyway, I arrived home around 10:30 and was wide awake. I went downstairs and watched a little Discovery channel until 1:00am, and then I started feeling tired. I came upstairs and pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.
The problem with that scenario is that I didn't set my alarm. I had choir practice at 9, and church at 11. Yeah... I woke up 15 minutes ago.
Although I missed sacrament meeting, I feel great. I mean... I don't think my body has had this much sleep in months.
As I laid in bed contemplating my plan of action, I knew I needed to dedicate some time of this Sabbath day to God.
So, I'm going to spend at least an hour right now reading, writing about, and pondering the scriptures.
Not sure what I'm going to do after that, but we'll take it an hour at a time.
I hope I end up studying much more than 1 hour. We'll see what happens.
Life / Personal / Spiritual