Okay... I've been wondering how to do this for quite some time, and I finally figured it out with the help of
this mailing list thread.
I've always thought ffmpeg was a pretty amazing program, but now, I will build a shrine to it and worship it weekly.
Ffmpeg is the program which allows me to create a video with sound in Linux.
I have a Logitch Orbit AF webcam, and with the following command, it records both video and audio.
ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s 320x240 -i /dev/video0 -f audio_device -ac 2 -i /dev/dsp1 -f mp4 Filename.mp4
and the file "Filename.mp4" will be created and stored in the current working directory.
Great stuff!
After trying to get this video to work with flowplayer (
flowplayer.org), it would reproduce the audio, but not the video, so in order to get it to work (albeit pretty low quality), I had to convert the m4v file to an flv file with the following command:
ffmpeg -i input_file_name.mp4 -vcodec flv -ar 22050 output_file_name.flv
That seemed to do the trick.
Here's the first video recorded using this method.
PS - Even though my camera is v4l2, I had to enable the v4l USE flag. Make sure you have the v4l USE flag turned on when you emerge it, or it won't work.
Go gentoo!