Mon - Oct 29, 2007 : 02:46 pm
Life is Too Short to Hate Your Job
My mom called me up a couple of days ago to give me some not-so-great news.
My dad got fired from his job. Now, those of you who know my dad know that he isn't "fire-able" material. While he was employed at his full-time job at the prime of his life, he happened to "keep a job" for more than 15 years, so... I know it wasn't my dad's fault.
Anyway, during the conversation with my mom, she mentioned that he didn't like his job much, so it was probably better this way.
I then remembered something someone told me about 5 years ago.
"If you get up to a feeling of "I hate my job" for more than 2 weeks straight, quit your job."
I took that to heart... Probably just because it makes so much sense!
I mean... Why spend the next 10 years, 8 hours per day, doing something that makes you miserable? Bah...
In the last 10 years of my professional career, I've just happened to jump jobs much more frequently than I would like. This is mostly due to "better opportunities" being uncovered quite readily.
Once, however, I was working for a good company, but I knew I needed a better job. Not because I didn't like the one I had, but because the job I had couldn't provide for the family-life I knew I wanted.
2 months later, I was happily employed elsewhere making significantly more than I was. That was 3 years ago, almost to the date.
Now, approximately 4 jobs later, I'm still happy and keeping an income which makes life for me and the ones I love quite comfortable. So... why 4 jobs? Well... That's quite simple, actually, and it's not because I'm "actively looking" for a new job all the time. Sure, I keep my eyes open and I like to keep my finger on the pulse of my chosen career path, but I'm not emailing my resume to headhunters or anything of the like.
It's simply because different companies value me quite differently. If company A values me less than company B, and after considering all the variables which come into play when contemplating a change of employment, why not take company B? If it makes sense, it sounds like it might be a good idea to me....?
Now, why am I telling you all this?
Probably because I find people who hate their job, but are scared spitless to look for new opportunities. I'll never understand this. Why?
Because I have a hard time believing that staying at a job you hate is worth either the time you're spending there, or the money it gives you.
So... If finding a new job isn't really that hard (at least now), and we all only have one life to live, then why in the world do people put up with jobs they hate?
I mean... really... why would anyone do that to themselves?
Soon, they'll find that they just lived out their 64th year, and they haven't done much other than bicker and moan about the last 25 years they've spend at a company they now want to destroy.
(yes, that's quite extreme, but... you get the point)
Now... Believe it or not, I do have some theories on why this is the case with most people I know, am related to, have talked to, or have just met.
It's because humans are generally highly resistant to change.
Yup... That's the only thing I could come up with.
As insane as it is, a normal person in today's society would rather go on in a job he hates, rather than take the time or spend the energy to find a new one, simply because the one he has "is paying the bills".
Funny things we humans are.
How about find a job that pays your bills AND makes life a joy? After all...'ve only got one to live.