I just thought I'd let ya'll know that I got a new haircut a couple of days ago. I think its swell.
I guess this just goes to show that I'm not entirely sane... pretty much... ever.
The mohawk has quite a story which I might as well divulge right about now.
It all happened about 7 years ago, when my brothers all got together for some event during the summer. We ended up all getting
very strange haircuts, taking pictures, and then shaving our heads. Well... The haircut I chose was a mohawk. I thought it was okay, and fun and everything, and then I shaved it off and that was that. No big deal.
Fast forward to 2002 when I met my wife.
Sometime during our courtship, she happened to see one of the pi[ctures taken with my crazy haircut. She looked at it, raised her eyebrow, looked at it a bit longer, turned to me and said "Ya know... I
really like the way you look in this picture!"
I thought she had to be kidding. But she wasn't.
So, a few months after we were married, I decided to put her words where my head is. I woke up one Saturday morning, decided to go get a haircut, went out and actually did it, and came home.
She wasn't lying. She loved it. Due to my generally insane nature and my all but complete disregard for anything anyone thinks about me, I kept it for 9 months while going to school at UVSC. Good times.
But, then I got called as a primary teacher at my church, and that wouldn't be appropriate, so I shaved it off.
They released me, and my wife started hinting again - so.... here we go!
Sorry for boring you to death, but hey... The category on this one was definitely "pesonal". It's your fault for reading it... :)