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Tue - May 03, 2011 : 06:33 pm
   rated 0 times
0.06 daily views
304 total views
What I feel for you
1 comment
You dont have to hide or pretend who you reallly are around me ill expect you. Not your past or what other people say can change my mind. Ill be there through thick and thin all the way until the end. if your sad than im sad to. If your mad im mad to. if you say we arent friends or anything more ill understand. But ill be there with open hands....
Highest Rated
Tue - May 03, 2011 : 06:33 pm
   rated 0 times
0.06 daily views
304 total views
What I feel for you
1 comment
You dont have to hide or pretend who you reallly are around me ill expect you. Not your past or what other people say can change my mind. Ill be there through thick and thin all the way until the end. if your sad than im sad to. If your mad im mad to. if you say we arent friends or anything more ill understand. But ill be there with open hands....
Most Viewed
Tue - May 03, 2011 : 06:33 pm
   rated 0 times
0.06 daily views
304 total views
What I feel for you
1 comment
You dont have to hide or pretend who you reallly are around me ill expect you. Not your past or what other people say can change my mind. Ill be there through thick and thin all the way until the end. if your sad than im sad to. If your mad im mad to. if you say we arent friends or anything more ill understand. But ill be there with open hands....