Sat - Sep 18, 2010 : 11:47 pm
0.41 daily views
2096 total views
Musical Marathon Madness
"Is this week already over??" Wow... I guess it's Saturday night. Yup.
This week, the studio has been packed. Full house. Monday was the only day without sessions, and that was on purpose. Tuesday through Saturday was full, and that's the way we like it here at Advanced Budget Studios.
Yesterday and...
Audio / Babblings / Music
Thu - Sep 09, 2010 : 11:59 pm
0.41 daily views
2122 total views
Music till Dawn
So, I haven't written for awhile - mostly because I enjoy writing after a project has been completed. Well - right now Advanced Budget Studios has quite a few bands in the works, who are going after multi-track demos. My guess is - we'll be fishing them up around the same time, and let me tell you now - all of em' are going to be awesom...
Audio / Babblings
Sat - Aug 28, 2010 : 11:27 pm
0.45 daily views
2333 total views
Alex Bateman
You know those types of musicians... The ones that just "get it". They don't worry much about writing the music, but rather, it seems to write itself. Now, I'm not going to put words in his mouth, but it sure seems like this is the case with Alex Bateman.
He came in, knew what he wanted, and the way he wanted his reco...
Audio / Music
Mon - Aug 23, 2010 : 07:30 pm
0.70 daily views
3585 total views
Worlds of the Crystal Moon
A while ago, Advanced Budget Studios had the privilege of working with the author of a great book in a voice-over. The author's name is Phillip Jones, and his book is called Worlds of the Crystal Moon.
When I was contacted to help out with the voice-over, I had no idea what to expect, and I wasn't sure what Phillip was expecting, either.&n...
Audio / Mixing / Voice-overs
Tue - Aug 17, 2010 : 12:13 am
0.53 daily views
2752 total views
New Studio Acoustics!
Okay... So, since I began this journey of becoming a better recording engineer, I knew there was a lot to learn. I have a degree in Digital Media with an emphasis on audio recording, and thanks to a great teacher, Mike Wizland, I quickly began to get a good grasp on the basics.
The early success of the studio has enabled me to get a few great m...
Audio / Audio Hardware
Wed - Aug 04, 2010 : 09:43 pm
0.51 daily views
2611 total views
PoeticIntensity - Bucket
Last week, PoeticIntensity decided to join us again, with an interesting concept. He had spent the previous evening playing some chords, and decided to make a song out of it that evening. So we spent an hour coming up with the concept, and another 2 hours tracking it. We then spent a few more minutes mixing it down until it sounde...
Mixing / Music
Thu - Jul 29, 2010 : 01:20 pm
0.87 daily views
4508 total views
NEW: Golden Age Pre-73!
We've been contemplating how to best improve the studio with all the business we've been getting lately, and the votes are in!
Please welcome our newest addition to the studio, a nice shiny new red GOLDEN AGE PRE 73 PRE-AMP! We spent a good deal of time looking into the best preamps for the money, and it came down to two main contenders.
Audio Hardware
Fri - Jul 23, 2010 : 10:48 pm
0.43 daily views
2247 total views
Most Crazy Session Yet
Ya know, sometimes in this business, you've gotta use ingenuity. And then there are other times you've just got to call it quits. I'm really glad we didn't choose that option for last night's session, because it turned out just fine...
Well.. That is, after we spent hours trying to figure out how in the world we were going to accompli...
Audio / Babblings / General Insanity / Music
Tue - Jul 20, 2010 : 11:37 am
0.42 daily views
2164 total views
Kaelynn Allred - Back To Love
The studio has been busy as ever, and some improvements are coming down the pipeline, but before we get to that, let me say that I had the privilege of working with another wonderful young lady last week.
Kaelynn Allred's new song, "Back To Love" is about as cute as they come. Tying sweet themes from nursery rhymes into a smile-in...
Sat - Jul 10, 2010 : 11:01 pm
no mood
0.42 daily views
2191 total views
ScramJet begins the journey...
Wow... What a week this has been!
Yesterday, we welcomed in a new client, ScramJet to the studio by running a recording marathon with them!
We pulled a full 8-hour session and all through yesterday, we managed to get recordings for three whole songs. By the end of the day, our engineer was ready to collapse.
Today, they all came back to...
Audio / Music
Fri - Jul 23, 2010 : 10:48 pm
0.43 daily views
2247 total views
Most Crazy Session Yet
Ya know, sometimes in this business, you've gotta use ingenuity. And then there are other times you've just got to call it quits. I'm really glad we didn't choose that option for last night's session, because it turned out just fine...
Well.. That is, after we spent hours trying to figure out how in the world we were going to accompli...
Audio / Babblings / General Insanity / Music
Wed - Jan 27, 2010 : 12:09 am
0.66 daily views
3546 total views
First Impressions : MXL V77
Since the studio's new shining star arrived, we've been having a lot of fun around here. To be honest, the guy who was good enough to sell us our new MXL V77, couldn't say enough about this microphone, which unfortunately is no longer in production, so when it arrived, I had my hopes up quite high - possibly too high.
So, after two successf...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Fri - Jul 02, 2010 : 02:00 pm
0.39 daily views
2008 total views
Jason Taylor / Ear Candy
Okay... So Advanced Budget Studios had the opportunity last weekend to record a group which came from the Springville's Art City Music Fest, and due to time constraints, we really didn't get a very good tracking session. We got some of Bethany's vocals, JT's acoustic guitar, Jake's bass, Dan's shredding guitar solo, and a very rough scr...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Thu - Jul 29, 2010 : 01:20 pm
0.87 daily views
4508 total views
NEW: Golden Age Pre-73!
We've been contemplating how to best improve the studio with all the business we've been getting lately, and the votes are in!
Please welcome our newest addition to the studio, a nice shiny new red GOLDEN AGE PRE 73 PRE-AMP! We spent a good deal of time looking into the best preamps for the money, and it came down to two main contenders.
Audio Hardware
Wed - May 02, 2012 : 12:16 am
0.53 daily views
2400 total views
Studio 14 + ABS = ...?
So, a few years ago, when I had no idea what I was doing in the studio, a guy named Rich Bischoff contacted me and asked me to give him some drum samples from my studio. He didn't call me back. I don't blame him. hehe...
So, for the past 3 years, I've been dedicating myself to getting the studio to be the absolute best it can possibly...
Drums / Miscellaneous
Thu - Nov 26, 2009 : 12:57 am
0.78 daily views
4229 total views
Life is Good
Yeah, I'm tired, but man - life is good. I spent way too much time on our Herod The Fink project last night (and into the wee-hours of this morning), but it was so worth it. We are really cranking to release a truly unique Christmas album. My only regret is that we didn't start this sooner, so we could get more content. But ...
Fri - Sep 11, 2009 : 01:53 pm
0.56 daily views
3090 total views
Main Site
Click here to go to Art City Sound...
Tue - Mar 12, 2013 : 04:05 pm
0.67 daily views
2810 total views
So, I've been surfing around the net today, figuring out how I'm going to work in the new website with the old one and what-not, and while doing so, I found out that apparently, Art City Sound is nothing but a big piece of Volvo heavy machinery. Take a look at this link for proof. (link here, too). While you're at it, take a...
Sat - Oct 04, 2014 : 05:30 pm
0.78 daily views
2843 total views
Sacred Sounds Acoustics...
So, a few days ago, a friend of the studio called up and asked if I would help him out with a project. As he described the project, I grew more and more interested.
The project is called "Sacred Sounds: Cathedrals of Europe"
The gist of it, is that a group of researchers are going to be travelling around Europe studying th...
Thu - Dec 08, 2011 : 03:50 pm
0.75 daily views
3480 total views
Year's End...
So I haven't written in a while, and that's both a great thing, and a not-so-great thing. It's great because since September, the studio has been busier than I thought possible. Honestly... It's been a whirlwind, and I'm not quite sure what caused it - but I'm so grateful for it. It's a not-so-great thing because I can't kee...
Audio / Babblings / Music
Fri - Oct 26, 2012 : 04:54 pm
0.52 daily views
2249 total views
Tick Tock...
So... In what has turned out to be my monthly updates, I don't have much to report this time, as progress on the studio portion of the house has been waiting for the actual house to be built. Right now, the studio is comprised of two large concrete boxes in my basement.
What I do have to report on is something I hadn't expected...
Tue - Sep 13, 2011 : 12:06 am
0.52 daily views
2474 total views
Jules Morrow - Amazing.
So, last weekend I had the pleasure of recording a few tunes for an upcoming independent film (more details to follow as the project continues, I'm sure), and in these situations, I just never know what to expect.
In this case, I don't think I could have been more blessed. I had the pleasure of meeting Kraig Jacobson, and recording an...
Sat - Jul 14, 2012 : 12:04 am
0.52 daily views
2314 total views
Out with the Old...
Wow... I can't believe it's here.
For those who don't know, Advanced Budget Studios resides as a single bedroom rigged up as a recording studio in my basement.
Thanks to all of you, I'd like to announce, both sadly, and beyond excitedly, that I have outgrown this little single-room studio. The acoustics, the size, and the location...
Babblings / Studio
Tue - Apr 06, 2010 : 11:27 am
0.51 daily views
2715 total views
New Line 6 Spider IV 75 Amp!
So, we've been considering how to best improve the studio in recent weeks, and have decided that our complete lack of guitar amplification needs to be taken care of. We looked at all sorts of amps and decided that one which could possibly provide the most diverse sounds would be a wise choice. We've recorded pretty much everything here ...
Audio / Audio Hardware
Wed - Aug 04, 2010 : 09:43 pm
0.51 daily views
2611 total views
PoeticIntensity - Bucket
Last week, PoeticIntensity decided to join us again, with an interesting concept. He had spent the previous evening playing some chords, and decided to make a song out of it that evening. So we spent an hour coming up with the concept, and another 2 hours tracking it. We then spent a few more minutes mixing it down until it sounde...
Mixing / Music
Mon - Aug 20, 2012 : 10:52 pm
0.51 daily views
2264 total views
It Has Begun!
Well, I'm happy to announce that after a month and a half of jumping through hoopes to get this thing off the ground, it has finally begun!
The construction of the new home for Advanced Budget Studios has officially started, and I cannot tell you how excited I am.
The only down part of this whole situation is - the waiting. I anticipate t...
Fri - Feb 25, 2011 : 05:57 pm
0.51 daily views
2546 total views
RSL and Camilla Hiatt
So this week has been pretty awesome. First off, we finished up a project we've been pounding on for the past month or so, which is now doing its circles with the Salt Lake Real crowd. It's an anthem for Salt Lake's soccer team, and was written and recorded by Jesse Crowley. The drums were taken care of by our in-house drumm...
Sun - Sep 16, 2012 : 10:46 pm
0.50 daily views
2194 total views
So, I just had a great day here in the basement where I live, while me and my family are waiting for our new home (and studio) to be built, and I found myself sort of pensive, so I thought I'd come down and write a few words, and see what comes out.
Advanced Budget Studios began taking clients in August of 2009, using a single AT 3525 conde...
Thu - Oct 01, 2009 : 04:40 pm
0.50 daily views
2736 total views
It's All About The Ears.
So, over at, we have quite a few discussions about, well, pretty much anything that has to do with recording audio. One of the dicussions we recently engaged in had to do with critiquing a member's song he was working on.
Of course, there were the usual suggestions on what this person should do, whether it be "bring ...
Audio / Mixing / Music
Mon - Jan 10, 2011 : 05:10 pm
0.50 daily views
2497 total views
Great start to 2011!
So, Advanced Budget Studios took a bit of a break during the holidays, and with that came the usual curiosity as to how the new year would be.
Well, I'd have to say that 2011 is looking great. We started off the year recording a wonderful new artist named Taylor Miller. He'll have a website up soon, and his music sounds fabulous! ...
Miscellaneous / Music