Fri - Aug 29, 2008 : 08:45 pm
0.43 daily views
2593 total views
Mosiah : 6 & 7
I read Mosiah 6 quite a while ago, but didn't have the chance to write anything about it. I re-read it again tonight, along with chapter 7.
The last verse of chapter 7 hit me years ago, when I realized the bondage to which the Lord is referring is not only physical bondage, but easily can refer to addictions, beliefs, people, choices, anyt...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Aug 27, 2008 : 08:59 am
0.70 daily views
4185 total views
Dave Pelzer
I just got done reading the book "A Man Named Dave", after reading "The Lost Boy", and 6 years ago, "A Child Called It".
Ya know... To a certain extent, I enjoy doing things from time to time, to keep myself grounded. To keep myself living in a reality close to what is real for everyone else. I do t...
Tue - Aug 26, 2008 : 04:42 pm
0.41 daily views
2496 total views
Mosiah : 5
It seems to me like this chapter has a very deep meaning, but I couldn't quite get it this time.
The whole chapter is about making covenants, and becoming a child of Christ.
It's interesting that after verses 2, 3, and 4, the last word on verse 4 is "joy". After they had heard the word of God, had their hearts changed through ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Aug 26, 2008 : 02:48 pm
0.58 daily views
3487 total views
Religious Links: - The best LDS Quotes site on the web. - A Great site filled with uplifting Quotes, Stories, Poetry, and Music - Official site for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Linux Links: - The greatest Linux distro in the universe. - My friend's ...
Family / Friends / Lds / Linux
Tue - Aug 26, 2008 : 02:09 pm
0.46 daily views
2772 total views
ILMJ Pages
With the new design of ILMJ, I thought it fitting for people to be able to add their own static links on their blogs... Doing so is very easy.
A "page" in your blog is simply an entry which stays in the left-hand column on both your main blog site, and each individual entry, as is illustrated below:
So, as you can see,...
I Love My Journal
Tue - Aug 26, 2008 : 10:51 am
0.79 daily views
4739 total views
About Me
Hi there! I'm PoeticIntensity
I guess this is my journal... still.
I started journaling when I was 14, in 1990, as a new years resolution. I had no idea then just how much I would get into journaling.
It took me 12 years, off and on, to transcode all of my 3000+ journal entries, and then put them into a database. I ...
Babblings / Life / My Journal / Personal
Mon - Aug 25, 2008 : 04:48 pm
0.58 daily views
3497 total views
Generating SSH Key Pairs
Today I needed to sync a file on two servers using ssh, and I needed to do it automatically. I knew that ssh could use key-pairs to enable a secure authentication system without requiring passwords, but I couldn't remember how to do it. I googled a bit and found this gem of a tutorial on how to do precisely what I needed: I'll pos...
Computers / Linux / Programming
Mon - Aug 25, 2008 : 10:42 am
0.49 daily views
2920 total views
LAN Party!
Man, I've got a lot to write. Quite a bit happened this weekend, and last weekend. I'll start with this weekend.
We had another LAN party this weekend, and it was up at Shane's house in Perry, UT. We played the usual, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, and Unreal Tournament 2004.
Traffic was pretty horrible going up through Davis ...
Computers / Friends / Fun / Games
Fri - Aug 22, 2008 : 12:36 pm
0.53 daily views
3217 total views
Mosiah 4 and Other Thoughts
I decided to get back into reading the scriptures now that I've finished the last conference talks.
This has nothing to do with Mosiah 3, but one thing I neglected to write about was the last gospel doctrine class I attended. Our wonderful teacher, Ryan Anderson taught again, and made a wonderful parallel out of Amalickiah and Satan.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Aug 21, 2008 : 02:59 pm
0.48 daily views
2878 total views
Random Thoughts...
I haven't been getting much sleep lately... So I think I'll write about.... something. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to write about, but it's been much too long since I've written to continue not writing any longer.
I found this link today, given to me by this dude. It's a great theme for a blog, and I hope it goes far.
Babblings / Life / Miscellaneous / Poetry
Sat - Jan 21, 2006 : 09:16 pm
no mood
0.27 daily views
1859 total views
End of a Good Week
Well.... Not much to write, other than this week's goal wasn't forgotten. :) I'd say that 5 out of the 7 days I had were a success of making at least 90% of the decisions during the day based on strengthening the family.
My job is going well, although it's kind of scary because I'm the sole Linux guru of the company. They're putting a lot of fa...
Wed - Jul 29, 2009 : 10:00 am
0.53 daily views
3035 total views
Alma : 36 - "Prosper"
Hmm... What could "prosper in the land" possibly mean? This is something I've fought with recently, while think about prosperity in general. When someone says, "That guy has really prospered", or "she is really prosperous", what could it possibly mean?
Some things in the scriptures are mentioned on...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Sep 30, 2008 : 03:06 pm
0.47 daily views
2821 total views
The Geek In Me
Ya know... I'm not the best coder in the world, and I'm not the geekiest of geeks, either. I personally know quite a few people who would classify me as a "mutt coder", because I really don't care too much about code purity.
I'm not quite sure what in me makes me that way, but it's true. Maybe it's because I learned p...
Computers / Miscellaneous / Programming
Tue - Sep 25, 2007 : 03:49 pm
0.47 daily views
2956 total views
Creating XML - The Right Way
My last place of employment had a large amount of data being imported from multiple companies on a daily basis which was then imported into a database and processed throughout the company.
I was the lucky guy who got to write the application which imported all of the data from as many as 10 different locations daily.
Having never directly dealt...
Tue - Feb 02, 2010 : 01:09 pm
0.44 daily views
2420 total views
Alma : 57
Yet another great strategy-based chapter. I'm kind of tired right now, and this chapter wasn't really loaded with doctrinal insights, but I will say that if there's any question about whether or not obedience has its rewards, you'll have to read verses 21-27. Definitely makes me want to both learn about and obey my Heavenly Father...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Wed - May 16, 2007 : 10:50 pm
no mood
0.58 daily views
3787 total views
What does "rich" really mean?
I've been reading the scriptures a bit lately, and I came upon a verse which intrigued me. That verse quickly made me think of this one, and this one. Let's not forget this one - that's a good one, too - verse 33 being the focus.
Here's another really good one warning of the dangers of the previous entries, and further proving the point that at l...
Sun - Apr 26, 2009 : 10:15 pm
0.44 daily views
2523 total views
Points of Interest
Oh wow. Man, life just keeps getting more and more interesting... along with frustrating, slightly scary, and faith-promoting. I won't get into the details here, though, because I want to talk about something else.
One thing which came at me as quite intriguing today during church was the concept of "Doctrine of Gratitude&...
Life / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Nov 18, 2010 : 05:12 am
0.52 daily views
2731 total views
3 Nephi : 17
Wow... 3rd Nephi 17. This has been one of my top 5 all-time favorite scriptural chapters since I first read it when I was 14. I love it.
The first 6 verses, to me, envelop the love Christ has for us, and the appreciation He must feel when we show our grattitude toward Him. There were no words uttered by his audience, yet H...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - May 13, 2010 : 02:36 pm
0.44 daily views
2364 total views
Helaman : 12 - Happiness
Anyone who knows what Helaman 12 is all about is probably wondering how in the world I could label this chapter as "Happiness". hehe...
Yesterday, I was having a very interesting conversation about happiness with a dear friend of mine, and oddly enough, today's chapter was Helaman 12, which of course, talks all about the frailties...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Jan 27, 2010 : 03:50 pm
0.42 daily views
2284 total views
Alma : 55
I love Moroni's strategy. With God on his side, he seems almost unstoppable.
So Ammoron decides to be a jerk about the letter-sending, and what-not, so Moroni's like, "Dude... You did NOT just say that! A'ight, then, we'll see who gets to keep prisoners around here!!"
Let's see what could have gone wrong with this st...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures
Mon - Oct 26, 2009 : 12:36 am
0.48 daily views
2670 total views
Unlikely Couple
I had to post this. We went to a ward halloween party and I went as a punk rocker (of sorts), and Sarah went as Cinderella. Gotta love the result.
Awwww yeah!...
Family / Personal
Fri - Aug 24, 2007 : 11:51 pm
0.48 daily views
3086 total views
State of gentoo
Today at work, I happened to stumble upon a blog which I've never read, or heard of. This is a shame because this blog happens to belong to a person who is very important in my life. A person I've never spoken to, met, seen, or otherwise had any contact with at all.
His name is Daniel Robbins (drobbins).
Daniel Robbins created gentoo ...
Gentoo / Linux
Sun - Apr 27, 2008 : 11:33 pm
0.48 daily views
2962 total views
Mosiah : 1
Verse 7 caught my attention this time around. The beginning of the verse is as follows:
"And now, my sons, I would that ye should remember to search them diligently, that ye may profit thereby;"
The context is referring to the scriptures the sons of King Benjamin had access to. This verse reminds me quite a bit of Mosiah...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Mon - May 14, 2007 : 12:07 am
no mood
0.48 daily views
3130 total views
Is "Love" really all we need?
The answer to that question in today's world is "Not on your life." However, in a perfect utopia, the answer would definitely be, to a degree, "yes".
A couple of days ago, I was really gettin' down into myself and thinking about things, when I started thinking about the state of the world. Holy cow, that could open, not only a can of worms, but ...
Tue - Feb 01, 2011 : 10:40 am
0.48 daily views
2464 total views
3 Nephi : 22 - 23
Chapter 22 was another toughy, but I figure I'm gonna better my life if I read and am only able to type a tiny bit, rather than not read at all.
I guess my brain is still getting over this sickness, because I find it difficult to do any critical thinking. Anyway...
I found it interesting the bit about "more are the children of the de...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Aug 21, 2008 : 02:59 pm
0.48 daily views
2878 total views
Random Thoughts...
I haven't been getting much sleep lately... So I think I'll write about.... something. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to write about, but it's been much too long since I've written to continue not writing any longer.
I found this link today, given to me by this dude. It's a great theme for a blog, and I hope it goes far.
Babblings / Life / Miscellaneous / Poetry
Sat - Apr 03, 2010 : 02:09 pm
0.48 daily views
2596 total views
Conference Notes 2
The hymn the choir sang "I Feel My Savior's Love" was absolutely gorgeous! Well done, Orem Institute Choir! What a great way to begin a general conference. Had me in tears by the end of the hymn. Thank you, Institute Choir!
L Tom Perry's talk about teaching in the home brought back both thoughts of my upbringing,...
General Conference / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Jan 10, 2008 : 09:49 pm
0.48 daily views
2968 total views
1st Nephi : 6
I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I lost the post I just wrote about chapter 6.
I didn't realize how short it was, so I wrote about the importance of scriptures spoken of in verse 5. If we didn't have scriptures, our kids would eventually lose the commandments of God (unless, of course, it was revealed again).
Also, it's good to not...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Thu - Dec 13, 2012 : 11:06 pm
0.48 daily views
2125 total views
Getting Real...
So, I just got off the phone with my wife, and she was at our new home-to-be this evening, and apparently, almost everything is done. The carpet isn't in, nor are the toilets, nor are the cement stairs leading down to the basement, but everything else - yeah - it's done. I'm just beside myself. We could be moving in as early as la...
Fri - Jun 13, 2008 : 12:00 pm
0.48 daily views
2908 total views
Gen. Conf. - Born Again - Christofferson
This is the first time I think I've ever watched / listened to / read a talk given by Elder D. Todd Christofferson.
My first impressions of him are very, very high. He has a very poignant, straightforward, yet very soft tone to his voice. He does not waver in his speech, and seems completely convicted of the things he says.
I enjoye...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual