Tue - Sep 08, 2009 : 10:12 am
0.58 daily views
3155 total views
Hard Drive Crisis
Okay... So three days ago (that would be Saturday morning), I found that my server was having weird problems. I was getting an I/O error when I tried to start a movie for my daughter. Yeah, that can't be good. I'd seen that problem before when LVM got out of sync somehow (after about 6 months of uptime), and decided to reboo...
Computer Hardware / Computers / Linux
Mon - Sep 07, 2009 : 01:24 pm
0.38 daily views
2109 total views
Grand Opening
The site is finished and life is good! Welcome everyone who has a demo just waiting to be realized. Advanced Budget Studios is here just waiting to make your life that much better. Come on down and get your demo made just the way you want it to - cheap, quick, and sounding great! Click here to go to the brand-new site!...
Audio / Music
Sun - Sep 06, 2009 : 07:29 pm
0.05 daily views
247 total views
The Heart Shaped Ring Chapter One
If you are reading this, either you are really nosy, or you are a reader of mine from fanfiction either one is cool with me:)
Guys I am really amazed at how many alerts I got on my first chapter alone and I would truly like to thank you tons! The reason I haven't been updating is because I have been working on my website, so its kinda hard with ...
Sat - Sep 05, 2009 : 09:40 pm
0.43 daily views
2358 total views
Smooth Intentions Project
A new group called "Smooth Intentions" made it down to the studio today and we began tracking a song called "Rain". So far, it sounds quite good. The song contains a gorgeous cello track, not often heard within the genre.
We've got a keyboard track left to record, but the tune should be finished shortly.
We'll se...
Sun - Aug 30, 2009 : 09:36 pm
0.37 daily views
2035 total views
Sugar Stone Project
SugarStone made a surprise appearance last Saturday, and even though the fanfare was short, they ended up leaving with a new freshly baked demo.
It's called Ready Set Go, and is currently awaiting your ears on their facebook page....
Thu - Aug 27, 2009 : 02:01 pm
0.61 daily views
3331 total views
Linux + ATI != ETQW
Okay.. I have no idea why I'm writing this, but to heck with it. People should know. Either that, or I need to figure out what the hey I'm doing wrong.
So, about a year ago I began a crusade to help AMD / ATI as much as I possibly could. I've already been buying AMD processors now for at least 5 years for myself, my work,...
Computers / Games / Linux / Microsoft
Mon - Aug 24, 2009 : 11:48 pm
0.46 daily views
2513 total views
Which Drum Overhead Mic?
Okay... I've decided I'm going to get a little more serious about recording music. I've had quite a few positive comments made about my recordings from 3rd parties, and over the years, I've enjoyed recording it more and more.
So now, I'm here with approximately $200.00 to spend, and I think I'm going to get some overhead mics fo...
Fri - Aug 21, 2009 : 11:50 pm
0.43 daily views
2373 total views
Alma : 39
First thing out of the gate that I noticed this time around with this chapter is that the first thing Alma says to Corianton regards his disobedience - in a possibly sarcastic way, or at very least - sincerely displeased. "Haven't your brothers been a good example for you?" Anyway... I found that interesting
Also noteworthy ...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Aug 21, 2009 : 03:08 pm
1.17 daily views
6430 total views
m4a audio conversion in Linux
Today, an audio file was sent to me in an email. This audio was compressed and encoded using the aac codec for compression and wrapped in m4a. In order to use it, I had to convert this file to a wav format. Usually, I receive files in mp3, ogg, or flac file types, and use lame, oggdec, or flac to decode them back to wav. Wit...
Audio / Gentoo / Linux
Sun - Aug 16, 2009 : 05:09 pm
0.53 daily views
2918 total views
Alma : 38
Of course, verse 1 immediately reminds me of verse chapter 36 and what I wrote about that. But then, verse 2 held just as much interest for me. First off, it seems that Alma talking to his three sons in these chapters has something to do with his being old enough to die at any time. Yet, Alma's words talk about him having great jo...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Thu - Nov 18, 2010 : 05:12 am
0.50 daily views
2524 total views
3 Nephi : 17
Wow... 3rd Nephi 17. This has been one of my top 5 all-time favorite scriptural chapters since I first read it when I was 14. I love it.
The first 6 verses, to me, envelop the love Christ has for us, and the appreciation He must feel when we show our grattitude toward Him. There were no words uttered by his audience, yet H...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Jun 12, 2009 : 02:20 pm
0.47 daily views
2600 total views
Vista Dualboot Gotcha
I recently bought a Toshiba Laptop (a Satellite A305-S6916), and with it, came Vista Home Premium.
I, of course, immediately wiped the hard drive clean, took a shower for having touched a computer with Vista pre-installed on it, then proceeded to partition it, and install gentoo Linux on it.
The compatibility with Linux of the peripherals on th...
Computers / Linux / Microsoft
Fri - Jan 29, 2010 : 03:18 pm
0.40 daily views
2109 total views
Alma : 56 - Courage, Faith
Ya know... The explanations of the strategy of war really is interesting to me. But when I come across verses like these, I simply can't help but get chills.
I actually tear up when reading these verses. I guess it's kind of the whole underdog syndrome. Ya know... When there's a conflict, or a competition, and the odds are...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Sep 05, 2008 : 11:52 am
no mood
0.14 daily views
840 total views
Lifes problems
koyote Dreams
I've been working on getting my inactive Laurels, trying to get them to come back to church. Well I set up a class in my last BYC that I'd teach them all the Cha Cha on the 3 so I spent a lot of time getting ready, then once I had everything prepared I went to go have a tooth pulled and they used Latex! I don't do well at all with latex. So I...
Tue - Sep 13, 2011 : 12:06 am
0.52 daily views
2465 total views
Jules Morrow - Amazing.
So, last weekend I had the pleasure of recording a few tunes for an upcoming independent film (more details to follow as the project continues, I'm sure), and in these situations, I just never know what to expect.
In this case, I don't think I could have been more blessed. I had the pleasure of meeting Kraig Jacobson, and recording an...
Wed - May 16, 2007 : 10:50 pm
no mood
0.56 daily views
3546 total views
What does "rich" really mean?
I've been reading the scriptures a bit lately, and I came upon a verse which intrigued me. That verse quickly made me think of this one, and this one. Let's not forget this one - that's a good one, too - verse 33 being the focus.
Here's another really good one warning of the dangers of the previous entries, and further proving the point that at l...
Sun - Apr 27, 2008 : 11:33 pm
0.44 daily views
2658 total views
Mosiah : 1
Verse 7 caught my attention this time around. The beginning of the verse is as follows:
"And now, my sons, I would that ye should remember to search them diligently, that ye may profit thereby;"
The context is referring to the scriptures the sons of King Benjamin had access to. This verse reminds me quite a bit of Mosiah...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Tue - Mar 04, 2008 : 05:21 pm
0.05 daily views
321 total views
Yay I finally got internet!
After months of waiting I finally got internet so I found this journal site...and I must say it is pretty good. I place that I feel at home. I am a convert to LDS but I have never felt so accepted by so many people. Thank you all...
Thu - Feb 17, 2011 : 05:00 am
0.05 daily views
270 total views
Stop Waving Banners!
You know, I don't mind people preaching. It's what religions do; we Latter-Day Saints do it through the Priesthood and the Missionaries, but I do mind people wafting pamphlets in my face telling me we're all doomed and that my wages for sin is death.I know fully that sinful people can be saved through repentance, yet some churches don't bother expl...
Tue - Jul 05, 2011 : 10:44 am
0.36 daily views
1718 total views
Ether : 4
So, on last chapter's post, someone left a wonderful comment. Thank you, whoever you are. That is precisely why I do this.
Now... Ether 4. This chapter starts out with an interesting verse. I guess Mosiah would have had several channels whereby he could have known he should not let the book of Ether out of the bag u...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Tue - Apr 06, 2010 : 11:27 am
0.51 daily views
2708 total views
New Line 6 Spider IV 75 Amp!
So, we've been considering how to best improve the studio in recent weeks, and have decided that our complete lack of guitar amplification needs to be taken care of. We looked at all sorts of amps and decided that one which could possibly provide the most diverse sounds would be a wise choice. We've recorded pretty much everything here ...
Audio / Audio Hardware
Wed - May 14, 2008 : 01:12 pm
0.51 daily views
3049 total views
Gen. Conf. - Abuse - Scott
While Elder Scott was talking about the justice of the Father, I couldn't help but remember a very simple conversation I had with a childhood friend named Jared Peck.
He was talking about scenarios of people hurting the ones he loved, and how he would get back at them. I sat and made the required remarks such as, "oh", and "y...
General Conference / Lds / Personal / Spiritual
Wed - Jul 29, 2009 : 10:00 am
0.51 daily views
2793 total views
Alma : 36 - "Prosper"
Hmm... What could "prosper in the land" possibly mean? This is something I've fought with recently, while think about prosperity in general. When someone says, "That guy has really prospered", or "she is really prosperous", what could it possibly mean?
Some things in the scriptures are mentioned on...
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Religion / Scriptures / Spiritual
Fri - Feb 25, 2011 : 05:57 pm
0.51 daily views
2532 total views
RSL and Camilla Hiatt
So this week has been pretty awesome. First off, we finished up a project we've been pounding on for the past month or so, which is now doing its circles with the Salt Lake Real crowd. It's an anthem for Salt Lake's soccer team, and was written and recorded by Jesse Crowley. The drums were taken care of by our in-house drumm...
Fri - Aug 22, 2008 : 12:36 pm
0.51 daily views
2981 total views
Mosiah 4 and Other Thoughts
I decided to get back into reading the scriptures now that I've finished the last conference talks.
This has nothing to do with Mosiah 3, but one thing I neglected to write about was the last gospel doctrine class I attended. Our wonderful teacher, Ryan Anderson taught again, and made a wonderful parallel out of Amalickiah and Satan.
Book Of Mormon / Lds / Personal / Scriptures / Spiritual
Wed - Aug 04, 2010 : 09:43 pm
0.51 daily views
2601 total views
PoeticIntensity - Bucket
Last week, PoeticIntensity decided to join us again, with an interesting concept. He had spent the previous evening playing some chords, and decided to make a song out of it that evening. So we spent an hour coming up with the concept, and another 2 hours tracking it. We then spent a few more minutes mixing it down until it sounde...
Mixing / Music
Fri - Sep 28, 2007 : 06:38 pm
0.51 daily views
3176 total views
Holy Cow, I LOVE Linux!
Okay... I don't have much time to write this, so, let's cut to the chase.
This article is freakin' hilarious. This one is less hilarious, but more informative. Both articles are simply awesome.
Heh.... Some things which I absolutely love about Linux are the following:
1. They got the windowed scrolli...
Drm / Linux / Microsoft
Wed - Dec 24, 2008 : 10:33 am
0.51 daily views
2952 total views
Snow? On Christmas?
I cannot remember the last time it actually full-on snowed on Christmas day. For the past 5 years or so, there have been seasons where it almost snowed and threatened to snow, but it's always been a disappointment.
This year, however, I believe there's hope. At least that's what the weather people are saying. Let's cross our fi...
Fun / Life / Personal
Thu - Jan 15, 2015 : 12:23 pm
0.51 daily views
1807 total views
1 Nephi 4
So, I was listening to, and reading, 1st Nephi chapter 4 in the Book of Mormon this morning, when a verse caught my eye, and my mind dwelt on it for a bit. It was verse 6. Verse 6 reads as follows:
"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."
Seems pretty ino...
Book Of Mormon / Spiritual
Mon - Aug 20, 2012 : 10:52 pm
0.51 daily views
2251 total views
It Has Begun!
Well, I'm happy to announce that after a month and a half of jumping through hoopes to get this thing off the ground, it has finally begun!
The construction of the new home for Advanced Budget Studios has officially started, and I cannot tell you how excited I am.
The only down part of this whole situation is - the waiting. I anticipate t...