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Fri - Jun 20, 2008 : 08:45 am
no mood
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Sweet nothings
So I'm a writer rite, well last night I was on my bed and I wrote this poem. I normaly go to Brooke or Sara about my poems but their kinda hard to get ahold of these days.  If there might be any other people who write poems and are good can you tell me this makes any since at all?

Sweet nothings
To see your face,
I'd give the world!

Your sweet voice
Calles to me in my dreams.

A heavnly sound,
Leads me once again,
BAck to your loving arms!

Tho the world would part us so,
A secret love,
Holds our hearts together.

One simple words,
Rings in my heart,
And it rings for you!

One we'll meet again.
For that day my heart dreams!

Just to see you once more,
I'd give anything!

A love like this,
Ain't just a dream.

You're voice calles,
To me and sends my back,
To out cloud.

I long for the cahnce to meet!
But until that sweet day,
Your voice calles to me,
Only in my dreams.
Until I wake to realize
We never were!

I have to face the trouth,
Your just a dream...

My love....

Comment by PoeticIntensity on Jun. 20, 2008 @ 09:27 am
Thank you for sharing, Koyote Dreams!

I've written my fair share of poetry (although not recently), and besides the mis-spellings and such, I think the meaning of your poem is beautiful.  It reminds me of a poem I wrote one day while looking out on a vast field of snow during the evening.  It's called "Dreams"  Click here to read it.

Keep up the good work!
Comment by nikki on Jun. 20, 2008 @ 12:37 pm
hey its me mesa and i think it beautiful i really do.i think u are a great poem writter and it makes since to me!anyway email me wen u get this!